Join us for the 2025 MBG Docent Training Class!
Have you ever thought you would like to spend more time at your Mobile Botanical Gardens; to know more about the collections and special, unique garden ‘rooms’? Do you get a kick out of seeing the excitement of a child exploring the wonders of nature; learning to grow their own food? Do you enjoy interacting with really interested and curious adults and young people. Are you a retired teacher and miss teaching? Are you more of an organizer or a ‘techy’? Please consider becoming an Education Docent at the Botanical Gardens. Training classes for new docents begin in February.
February 4, 11, 18 & 25; 8:30-12:00am
Classes and activities will take place at the Mobile Botanical Gardens, in the Larkins Classroom, at Magnolia Hill outdoor classroom and throughout the Gardens. Participants are expected to attend all sessions. A training manual and reference handouts will be provided. Participants will become familiar with the various garden collections, the facilities and regular program offerings through guided walks and activities.
Follow-up opportunities will include observing field trips and assisting with activities led by experienced docents. Participation in these opportunities is encouraged for experience and is voluntary on an ’as available’ basis.
CONTACT: Sara Habel
Tales and Trails – Children’s literacy and garden activity program
Veggie Kids – Saturday morning kids gardening series (fall and spring series)
Family Fun Days – periodic Saturday activity programs for family groups
Plant Sales – Spring and Fall; prepare and post educational signage. Assist customers if comfortable.
NatureBLAST! – week long summer program for students rising third grade through fifth.
Field Trips (all ages) – Lead or assist with guided nature walks or garden related activities.
First Fridays and other Guest Seminars and Workshops – assist speaker and staff with setup and cleanup and to welcome and guide guests.
Cataloging and strengthening the gardening reference and lending libraries at MBG.
Learning to research and prepare public interpretive plant information signs for the grounds and plant sales.
Assisting to map and compile GPS referenced database of MBG plant collections.