The “Golden Birthday Celebration” of the Mobile Botanical Gardens (MBG) was held on Thursday, April 11, 2024.
Proceeds of the MBG 50th Birthday Celebration directly support enhancing the value of the Gardens’ collections and furthering its educational mission. We extend our deepest appreciation to the Volunteers and Community Supporters who contributed to the success of our celebration. We are 50 years and growing!
Our Sponsors:
William E. and Jessica M. Barrick
Bay Business News
Braided River
Donald and Holle Briskman
Stephen E. Clements
Alicia and Joe Davis
Elevator World
Betty and Mack Graham
Allison and Trent Hall
Hall’s Wholesale Florist
Dr. R. Michael and Brenda Huddle
Robert and Robin Krchak
Carol and Pete Mackey
Julien E. Marx Foundation
Shirley McKinney
Michael and Kitty Meshad
Julie and Howard Moore
David and Carol Norris
The Carolyn W. Saunders Foundation
Chuck and Debbie Shirk
Southern Toile
The Sybil Smith Foundation
USA Health – University of South Alabama
Visit Mobile
Frederick Walch, IV
Sheri and Jay Weber
David and Greer Wilhelm
Mary Gale Woolford – in memory of Lily Woolford