Please consider a financial gift to the Gardens for this New Year.
Current Projects you may be interested in helping to finance:
- The Aromi Native Azalea Garden – an extension of the Millie McConnell Rhododendron Garden – although funds for hardscape and plantings have been successful, we are in need of funds to provide the ’embellishments’ such as benches, companion planting, and signage.
- The Butterfly & Pollinator Garden – the hardscape and plantings are ongoing, but we would love to have some benches and arbors – both are good Memorial & Dedication ideas! Signage, too, is a need.
- Ongoing maintenance & grounds upkeep – we always have gardens & facilities repairs and improvements to be covered. Your donation will help us maintain the hardscape, seasonal plantings, and help cover hiccups such as the fire and lightning strikes we had last year.
You may make donations online here. You can pay with any credit or debit card or chosse to pay through a Paypal account. If you would like to make a recurring donation, you can check the box on the screen. Please let us know if you would like to designate your donation for a particular MBG project.