[st_spacer id_wrapper=”elm_594054d0cd70e” ][/st_spacer][st_row id_wrapper=”elm_594054d113ddd” ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_594054d10efc1″ ][st_text wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_594054d0ef9ab” ]Nature Hikes ~ Scavenger Hunts ~ Arts and Crafts
Games & Activities ~ Nature Journaling
Presented by Mobile Botanical Gardens
June 22-26, 2015
8:30 AM -3:00 PM
$175 per child
Nature Blast 2013
Transform your child’s summer with an exciting week-long adventure! Planned for rising 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, and supplementing the science standards for Alabama, this program is designed to instill a love of outdoor adventure and appreciation of nature.
This wonderful introduction to outdoor adventures and nature will cover such topics as “Bees, Butterflies and Botany”, “Reptiles and Amphibians”, and “Woodland Monsters and Fairy Houses”.
Activities include hikes on nature trails, nature scavenger hunts and daily investigations of how plants and animals interact.
Daily schedules are from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM at the Mobile Botanical Gardens.
Participants bring bag lunches for a picnic in various fun locations. Daily snack will be provided.
Cost per child is $175 for the entire week and includes daily snacks, take-home related activities for the family and a NatureBLAST tee shirt.
Sign your child or grandchild up TODAY!
Participation is limited to 22
Paid registrations due by June 12
I hope you will get outrageously excited about this wonderful week of adventure and creative explorations!
(For questions call or email Judy Stout – Phone 973-0354-H, 401-0811-C; judypstout@mchsi.com)[/st_text][st_button el_title=”Download NatureBLAST! application form” button_text=”NatureBLAST! Application Form (PDF)” button_type_url=”http://www.mobilebotanicalgardens.orgwp-content/uploads/2015/06/NatureBlast-Application-all.pdf” open_in=”new_browser” button_color=”btn-success” wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_594054d10a1b2″ ][/st_button][/st_column][/st_row]